New Scoutmaster Ceremony

From: "settummanque, the blackeagle" (Mike Walton)

Taken from the 1947 Handbook for Scoutmasters and the materials from the Four Rivers Council, BSA:


Scoutmaster Handbook
Scoutmaster badge of office


Senior Patrol Leader
Outgoing Scoutmaster (called Scoutmaster)
Incoming Scoutmaster (called Scoutmaster Candidate)
Chartered Organizational Representative or Head
Troop Committee Chair

(Special setup: Present Scoutmaster should have his or her badge of office loosely sewn on the left shoulder sleeve or attached using tape)

The Troop Committee Chair asks for all members of the Troop to stand behind him or her. The Troop stands in a semi-circle behind the Troop Committee Chair.

Troop Committee Chair: This evening marks another significant mark in the history of our Troop and this community; for tonight, as you are aware, we install a new Scoutmaster and say so long to our present Scoutmaster, (name of Scoutmaster).

Before I ask (name of Scoutmaster) to come forward, I would like to review what a Scoutmaster does. To provide this explaination, I now call upon the Leader of this Troop, (name of Senior Patrol Leader), the Senior Patrol Leader of our Troop.

(Troop Committee Chair stands to side and allows Senior Patrol Leader to come center)

Senior Patrol Leader: (name of Scoutmaster) works closely with me as I lead the Troop. As Scoutmaster, (name of Scoutmaster) and I manage the program and he (she) insures that I get the training and coaching I need to do my job and to lead other boys in our Troop. (Name of Scoutmaster) also works with the Troop Committee Chair and members of our Troop Committee to insure that the proper support is given to whatever we as Troop leaders plan -- a campout, a day trip, or just a regular Troop meeting. The Scoutmaster is also the visual example for all of us here and works hard to insure that each Scout is guided in the direction toward Eagle and is making good progress toward his goal. (Senior Patrol Leader may address specific comments about Scoutmaster and wishes him or her well).

Troop Committee Chair: At this time, I wish to call upon our Scoutmaster, (name of Scoutmaster) to come forward. (Scoutmaster comes forward). We have enjoyed working with you over the period you have given to Scouting as Scoutmaster of this Troop. (at this time, various plaques, certificates or other items may be presented to the outgoing Scoutmaster and the Scoutmaster may make some remarks and comments about his or her service.) It now becomes time for us to appoint your successor and to induct him (her) as our new Scoutmaster. It gives me great honor to introduce (name of Scoutmaster candidate),our candidate for the position of Scoutmaster.

(Scoutmaster candidate comes forward and stands on one side of Troop Committee Chair)

Troop Committee Chair: It is the desire of this Troop's Committee to appoint and commission you as Scoutmaster of Troop (number). As you have heard from our Senior Patrol Leader, you main job is to advise the Troop officers and assist in their training and coaching as they develop the Troop's program.
We are placing the confidence of our families and our Scouts onto your shoulders as you continue to provide a quality program for our Scouts and this community. Will you accept our nomination and serve as Scoutmaster of this Troop?

Scoutmaster Candidate: Yes, I will do my best.

(The Senior Patrol Leader brings the Troop's flag forward and in front of the Troop Committee Chair. He then hands the flag to the Scoutmaster and then leaves. The Chartered Organizational Representative or Head comes forward and takes the place of the Senior Patrol Leader. The Scoutmaster then gives the flag to the Chartered Organizational Representative or Head as Troop Committee Chair states:

The Scouting program is a part of the community service mission of (name of chartered organization). It is highly appropriate that the symbol of the Troop, the Troop's flag, be returned to the representative (head) of (name of chartered organization), because it is this organization which gives final approval to adults working with our youth.

The Scoutmaster then removes his or her badge of office and hands it to the Chartered Organizational Representative (Head).

The Chartered Organizational Representative or Head then invites the Scoutmaster candidate to place his or her left hand on the pole of the Troop's flag, above that of the Chartered Organizational Representative's hand.

Chartered Organizational Represenative or Head: Please raise your hand in the Sign of the Scout and repeat after the Troop Committee Chair.

(Scoutmaster Candidate does so)

Troop Committee Chair: (said to allow for repeating by Scoutmaster Candidate) I promise to do my best ---to be worthy of my office as Scoutmaster --- for the sake of my Scouts --- This Troop --- and the World Brotherhood of Scouting.

Chartered Organizational Representative or Head: Thank you (Scoutmaster Candidate lowers his or her hand.)

(Chartered Organizational Representative hands flag to new Scoutmaster) Under the authority of this organization and of the (name of local Council), Boy Scouts of America, I hereby appoint you as Scoutmaster of our Troop. We trust you to keep your promise and herewith present to you the insignia of your new office.

(Chartered Organizational Representative hands old Scoutmaster patch to Troop Committee Chair, who places it aside and pins new Scoutmaster badge of office on the left shoulder of the new Scoutmaster. (the old patch is later given to the former Scoutmaster).

Chartered Organizational Representative: To assist you in this new role of working with youth, you will need a guidebook. I cannot think of any better guidebook for a new Scoutmaster than the Scoutmaster's Handbook. This is your copy -- please use it wisely and often as you work with our youth. (presents new Scoutmasters' Handbook to Scoutmaster. Scoutmasters shake hands, and former Scoutmaster leaves.)

(The Chartered Organizational Representative or Head shakes the free hand of the new Scoutmaster and leaves. The Senior Patrol Leader returns to the center and the Scoutmaster gives the Troop's flag to the Senior Patrol Leader who then takes it back and places it back onto it's base).

Troop Committee Chair: (Gives short background on new Scoutmaster) Please join me in welcoming our new Scoutmaster, (name of Scoutmaster).



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