Recent additions
Thank you one and all for helping me to relaunch The Tree at it's new location!! My blog has been re-engineered and moved to WordPress and now features links to my social media "hangouts" as well as an active Twitter™ feed. You now have the option of turning on or off the title music (check the bar under the flash); the video and photo pages should now work; and additional content including job search and speaking engagement information (yes, no rest for the weary...) has been added. I welcome comments and critiques of the site and it's components/branches.
Recently I added (View or hide items by clicking here)
The Transatlantic Council honored my Scouting service, work at unit, local Council, regional and national levels and my leadership and advisement to other Scouters by elevating me to the Vigil Honor, the Order of the Arrow's highest level of membership. Words cannot really express my graditude to the Black Eagle Lodge as well as the Miami Valley Council's Miami Lodge, which performed the Vigil ceremony on behalf of the Transatlantic Council and its lodge. My Vigil name is NOT "sekkettummanque" but something just as meaningful and honorable to the Black Eagle Lodge and my service to the Lodge, the Council and Scouting over the many decades. I thank all of those involved in assisting me.
Lots of people have asked me for a sample Eagle Court of Honor Invitation/Recognition letter recently. This is a good template to use, although the best "recognition letters" are not those from big names but those the Scout respects and knows locally.
I was honored by the Transatlantic Council, Boy Scouts of America with the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recently. The award is given to Eagle Scouts who have performed significant service and personal achievement after they have earned the Eagle Scout rank. I earned Eagle at Fort Knox (Rose Terrace) Kentucky in 1975, although I've been a part of Scouting in Europe off and on since 1983.
A "Wanted" poster, except the items I'm looking for are neither dead nor alive. I have been looking since 1977 for a LARGE or EXTRA LARGE blue jac-shirt for wear and display. I know that they are out somewhere -- someone has one in a closet or storage bin somewhere. If you find one for me, I'll give you $450 for it. Some may say "that's a large price for a jacket -- why don't you just get one from the BSA?" Two answers. The BSA stopped having these made in 1980; and these are rather rare items period. Contact information is on the poster!
A simple, cut and dried Eagle Scout Court of Honor script. I've been fielding way too many questions from families asking "Do we HAVE to have this big Eagle Court of Honor thing" for their sons. I have also been fielding similar questions from Scoutmasters and others asking if there was just a way that they can just "mail the Eagle packet" to the new Eagle Scout, "after all, he's 18 now and not interested in becoming a Scoutmaster or anything..."
This is a good answer to those questions.
The Boy Scouts of America has made a decisions concerning allowing openly Gay and Lesbians to serve as registered adults ("Scouters"). What do I think about all of this? Some of you have already asked me and I've given you what I feel about all of this. Others are just curious since they think that I'm some "big time BSA person" that I must have the "inside track" as to what the BSA will decide. I did not know but the BSA has decided and it's time to move onward.
A copy of my dad's funeral program. I've had three significant family losses: I lost my friend and second mother-in-law in "Momma (Ann) Ryan"; I lost Rosa Mae Abner, the closest to a "second mother" I have been honored to have, as she left the Earth the summer of 2014; and I lost my father, Robert Walton, the weekend before Labor Day. I will miss each a whole lot and will always love them.
Information on all three and my relation to them are located within my Facebook™ slice.
Information I received from the 2012 BSA National Meeting. I hope to be moving this page and the content to a different server in a couple of weeks.
Information on my experiences as a Paraprofessional. What *is* a Paraprofessional, anyway?
Information concerning our Honorary National President. Key questions and some answers!
An opportunity for Lone Boy Scouts to attend the Centennial National Scout Jamboree (updated)!!
Information in response to questions about my status as a "Kentucky Colonel".
I added this information because the Boy Scouts of America's home page does not immediately show this information and particularily during the fall and spring, many families contact me to ask me "can my son join the Scouts if he's in the first grade?" (yes) and "can my daughter be a Scout?" (Girl Scout, sure; Boy Scout, nope -- sorry!).
I added information about both of my former wives to the site; several people following me on Facebook and MySpace wanted to know about them (especially Scouters who knew either or both of them). Jess Krall has her recipe and travel information as part of her personal website
The migration of content is complete. Information concerning my availability to deliver speeches and present workshop topics has returned along with a link to my calendar. And to help out those following me via social media, my blog has truly become more interactive with the ability to "follow me" as I go place to place. So now you can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (yeah MySpace) and LinkedIn!
Welcome to my website!
Welcome to my new home on the Internet! I am really glad that you have found this small place of mine. I hope that you make yourself at home, explore around and hopefully find content of interest to you and yours!
This marks the 24th year of the Coffeeweb, which started out as a "make a home page introducing yourself" post-graduate class assignment in the spring of 1993. I later posted those four pages to America Online™ so people could find out a bit more about me and my life.
Since those early days, this site has grown and matured - like my kids. This is version 5.2.
More than people (HTML Counter) have viewed this content since Feburary 1995, when a counter was started.
You will find here most of the same content which was on the previous sites; much of it has been updated, spell-checked (*smiling*) and with fresher graphics.
You will also find here audio and video pieces but unfortunately I have removed most of the photos, opting to place them in locations whereby only personal friends and family can gain access from. Post me and if you need access, I'll tell you how to get to them.
Many of my short stories, chapters from various books, articles written for various publications, and freewrites are found at my Books and Publications page. There is some written content at other locations - check the list on the right please.
I am being dragged into Web 2.0 kicking and screaming -- I just don't see myself right now with time to spend on MySpace™, FaceBook™ and Twitter™ all of the time. I do, however, have a page with some content on MySpace™ and Facebook™ and am learning how to use Twitter™ and other Web2.0 tools. I even have a blog to answer Scouting and military-related questions as well as to mirror some of my content from the 2010 Centennial and 2013 National Scout Jamboree. The best way to provide feedback is by clicking on the graphic and sending me an email right now. Enjoy :)